
MYO 1mg – Int


MANUFACTURER: Beligas Pharmaceutical – Int’l
WAREHOUSE: International Warehouse 5
SUBSTANCE: Human Growth Hormone

Availability: Out of stock SKU: filthygainz-31441 Categories: , , , ,

MYO 1mg – Int


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Product Description: 

MYO 1mg is a member of a group of drugs called nutritional supplements that are used to lessen PCOS symptoms. Additionally, it brings back regular menstruation and enhances the ovaries’ general performance. A hormonal condition known as polycystic ovary syndrome is prevalent in women of reproductive age. It results in larger ovaries that have little cysts on the periphery.

How Does it Work?

MYO stock additionally decreases levels of androgens, for example, testosterone, which reduces PCOS side effects like skin break out and extreme body hair. The risk of metabolic condition (over body weight, hypertension, and so forth), which brings down the gamble of cardiovascular sickness, is additionally diminished by bringing down the biomarkers of fat cells in your blood. Also, MYO 1mg for sale can work on the nature of your eggs and incipient organisms as well as your period and ovulation recurrence. Period inconsistencies are a normal sign of PCOS.

Dosage and Administration:

Foods like grains, corn, beef, citrus fruits, and legumes all contain inositol, a sugar alcohol.

Adults have historically taken oral doses of 1-4 grams of inositol daily as medicine. It is frequently taken every day together with 200–400 mcg of folic acid. Find out from a healthcare professional what dosage might be appropriate for your condition.


The good news is that women who suffer from this crippling condition can greatly benefit from specific dietary and lifestyle adjustments. Effective treatment methods typically revolve around the nutritional support of these four major areas, even if each case is unique and necessitates an individualized and multifaceted approach:

  • Weight control
  • Normalization of insulin sensitivity and blood sugar balance
  • hormonal harmony
  • Support for ovarian health

Side Effects:

The majority of people tolerate myo-inositol pills well and report no significant negative effects. However, moderate side effects like nausea, bloating, trouble sleeping, dizziness, headaches, and fatigue may happen with a dose of 12 g.

According to certain research, using myo-inositol to treat bipolar disorder may result in a manic episode. Inositol hexaphosphate may interfere with the absorption of zinc, iron, calcium, and other minerals, which could lead to nutritional deficiencies, according to scientists.

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