
Dyanbol-Lite 10mg (50 tabs)

Original price was: $79.99.Current price is: $49.99.

ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Methandienone 10mg
TABLET COUNT: 2 x 25 (50 tablets)

SKU: filthygainz-41789 Categories: , ,
Dyanbol-Lite 10mg

Dyanbol-Lite 10mg (50 tabs)

Original price was: $79.99.Current price is: $49.99.

In stock


Product Overview

The Dyanbol tablet is one of the most selling oral intakes at a steroids shop. It is popular among bodybuilders as it increases muscle mass. Moreover, it introduced more strength too with the anabolic newcomers. In addition, bodybuilders also buy Dyanbol to jump start a cycle. The oral steroid will introduce quick results while waiting on injectables to do their job.

How does Dyanbol work?

The Dianabol tablet carries anabolic and androgenic effects. In other words, it will build strength quickly. Users will also notice a growing muscle mass. Most bodybuilders combine the oral steroid with sustanon, and cypionate for amplified outcomes.

How to use Dyanbol?

The user must take the tablet before the exercise session. If you are a beginner, start with a low dose and increase as your body’s endurance improves. If you notice side effects, immediately contact a healthcare professional. However, the adverse effects go away when the dose is lowered.

The appropriate dosage

When you buy Dyanbol, the recommended dose for men is 150-350 mg per week. The oral steroid has an active half-life of 5-6 hours. However, the individual can also take a 10 mg daily dose during a PCT to increase testosterone levels. The cycle lasts four to ten weeks.

The benefits

Dianabol UK will increase muscle mass and power. Furthermore, it will also shorten the recovery time from injuries and exertion. The oral steroid will eliminate fatigue, so you exercise longer without body aches. Lastly, it improves nitrogen retention too.

The Sid effects

Many wonder is Dianabol safe because of its powerful anabolic properties. The tablet can cause bloating and gynecomastia. Therefore, bodybuilders use Dianabol as recommended.

Where to buy Dianabol tablet?

If you wish to buy steroids online safely, visit the Filthy gainz website. We are a verified online pharmacy where you can purchase Dianabol pills for sale. Filthy gainz also offers supplements and steroids for sale, so shop today. 


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