
MK2866 & LGD

Original price was: $130.00.Current price is: $124.99.

MK-2866 15mg + LGD-4033 10mg (MK2866 & LGD)
Usage: 1-2 capsules
Capsule per container: 90
Amount per capsule: (25mg)
Half life: MK-2866 24 hours & LGD-4033 24-36 hours

Not intended for human consumption. You must be at least 21 years old to purchase.

These Statements have not been evaluated by FDA. this product is note intended to cure, prevent treat or diagnose an disease.

MK2866 & LGD

MK2866 & LGD

Original price was: $130.00.Current price is: $124.99.

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MK-2866 and LGD, a dynamic duo for exercise aficionados. Modern selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) MK-2866, sometimes referred to as Ostarine, is well known for its capacity to encourage lean muscle growth and improve endurance. It is paired with LGD, also known as Ligandrol, another potent SARM renowned for its outstanding muscle-building abilities. These two substances work in tandem to provide a thorough strategy for accomplishing your fitness objectives. 

MK-2866 and LGD are an ideal pair to help you achieve your goals, whether you want to build a lean body or improve your athletic performance. With these expertly crafted SARMs, you can advance your fitness path and enjoy a revolutionary increase in strength and muscular growth. With MK-2866 and LGD, the fitness game will be redefined for you. Buy Sarms Online!


Both MK-2866 (Ostarine) and LGD (Ligandrol) work by specifically targeting androgen receptors in the body. MK-2866 is a great option for people looking to improve their physique and athletic performance because it primarily concentrates on encouraging lean muscle growth and enhancing endurance. On the other hand, LGD is a strong option for anyone wishing to add significant muscle mass because it is very effective at promoting muscle development. 

Both substances function by selectively attaching to androgen receptors, which start processes that boost muscle protein synthesis and decrease muscle breakdown, enhancing muscular growth and strength in the process.


To use  mk2866 dosage, effectively, take 20-30 mg orally daily for 8-12 weeks. LGD (Ligandrol) is best at 5-10 mg per day for 8-12 weeks. Consult a healthcare professional before starting, and consider post-cycle therapy, especially with LGD. Source from reputable suppliers and follow specific dosing instructions provided with the product.


  • Muscle Growth
  • Strength Enhancement
  • Fat Loss
  • Preservation of Lean Mass
  • Enhanced Recovery
  • Joint Health


LGD  and mk2866 side effects includes:

  • Hormonal Imbalance
  • Androgenic Effects
  • Vision Issues (LGD)
  • Mood Swings
  • Liver Health (LGD)
  • Cardiovascular Risk


MK2866 for sale and Sarms for Sale are now available at Aas Pharmacy. Visit their site and place your order now!


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