
Post Cycle therapy Set

Original price was: $229.99.Current price is: $189.99.

  • Clomid X 1 (use it for 2 to 4 weeks)
  • Nolvadex X1 (use it for 2 to 4 weeks)
  • Hcg X1 (use it for 5 days, either in a row or every other day)
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Post Cycle therapy Set

Original price was: $229.99.Current price is: $189.99.

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Beligas Post Cycle Therapy Set

Product Overview

When you buy steroids online, it changes your hormones. The user’s natural testosterone production may come to a stop too. Therefore, the best post cycle therapy will balance the hormones. When you buy post cycle therapy from Beligas, you receive

  • Clomid 50 mg x 1
  • Nolvadex mg x 1
  • HCG x 1

How does it work?

The post cycle therapy will remedy the body’s testosterone production. The disruption in the cycle depends on the consumed drugs, the cycle length, and other factors. It will ensure that the body resumes natural testosterone production.

Most buy clomid pct for sale to restore natural testosterone levels. On the other hand, Nolvadex limits gynecomastia. Lastly, HCG will prevent severe side effects from steroid consumption.

How to use it?

The steroids shop suggests using Clomid two weeks after the cycle concludes. The user must take Nolvadex daily for two to four weeks. On the other hand, the HCG injection must be administered once a week for two weeks. The dosage depends on the individual’s intention, age, and gender.

The appropriate dosage

Here are the doses for the drugs when you buy post cycle therapy:

  • The steroid shop recommends a dose of 50 mg of Clomid for two to four weeks to build a healthy testosterone cycle.
  • The individual can take 40 mg of Nolvadex for the first week, 20 mg for the next two weeks, and 10 mg on the fourth and final week.
  • The HCG dose is 2500 IU to boost the LH levels.

The benefits

Post cycle therapy ensures excellent gains thanks to sustainable steroids. Furthermore, it will also promote and re-activate the natural hormonal system. Testosterone synthesis increases.

Side effects

Men and women should expect side effects when they buy Clomid PCT. Nolvadex can cause heat flashes, cancer, and impairment in women. HCG results in estrogenic side effects such as water retention.

Where to buy Post Cycle therapy Set Online?

Filthy gainz now offers peptides, pills, HCG, and steroids for sale. In addition, you can also buy clomid pct for sale too. The online community promotes the safe usage of drugs to enhance performance, so buy steroids from Filthy gainz today.


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